Say it, you fuckers!

May 24, 2009

I was at my union’s conference so no bloggin’ for a few days. And then I come back and the middle class (as represented by HP’s comments box) are revolting! (Insert obvious joke here.)

We need to talk about immigration apparently. Oh yes. We always need to talk about immigration at Harry’s Place. The two big I’s are immigration and Israel, and they managed to get both of those into a discussion on posties refusing to deliver fash leaflets, which I shall expand upon later. The happy occasion was a discussion between Lionel Shriver and some professor of some shit or other on the beastly immigrants and how you just can’t say what everyone’s thinking. This is probably the fault of the Muslims, as let’s face it everything else is.

Now you might have spotted the super lulzy issue here, which is that Ms Shriver herself is an immigrant condemning immigrants. She’s an American living in London. But I dunno, she’s not all foreign talking and brown and shit, she even wrote a book in English! So she is totally qualified to berate the British about our “immigration problem” though I note she didn’t offer to go back where she came from to reduce the pressure on housing etc. I present a small exerpt from the post but I don’t recommend reading it in its entirety, as the term tl;dr was pretty much invented for such situations.

With the Eastern Europeans, everyone was incredibly grateful to be talking about white Christians. Then we could really talk about immigration. How many of these people do we want in here? Aren’t they swelling our neighbourhoods, increasing the housing shortage? Aren’t they clinging to themselves and not assimilating? I go into a Polish grocery and they won’t serve me. There was that story recently. The point is, these immigrants weren’t Muslims and weren’t dark-skinned. So at last it was possible to talk about it.

So in other words the great contribution she’s making to the debate is recycled Daily Mail nonsense about the wicked immigrunts snubbing the honest American…sorry, indigenous inhabitants of the country. Cheers for that luv.

Anyway much wankery and “whole STREETS full of Brown People jabbering away in their darkie lingo” moaning later, we come to the comments box. O how I love the HP comments box. I do not know why they still kid on that they’re opposed to the BNP, as about half the comments wouldn’t look out of place on Stormfront.

Muslims are very nifty, and getting steadily more skilful and successful, at grabbing everything going and demanding all kinds of special favours.

Or perhaps:

FOOTNOTE: Sooner or later someone of importance is going to say the dreaded word ‘expulsion’ aloud. This year or next. Wait and see.

With a seasoning of:

I would also argue that the white working class BNP supporter has been abandoned and actively villified by the Western Left and Left intelligencia for the last 40 years. Whereas the Muslim immigrant has been actively advocated for, protected and supported by the same.

The BNP voter has a real gripe, the Muslims have been pandered too and have all sorts of special programs and preferences, diversity promotion, etc.

Or a side dish of:

Yeah, you give Muslims money and they’ll be like rich muslims. There are plenty of rich muslims among the oil fields of Saudi, and you can see that wonderful moderating influence… er no wait, what fucking nonsense.

With a drizzle of….nah fuck it, this is getting depressing:

I would, unfairly, not accept a Polish cleaning lady,as they are very aggressive. If you tell them you have given the job to someone else they put their foot into the doorway and fight. If you accept them they beg you not to employ them officially, then one day they will refuse to budge from the tea table.

But they’re being stifled! They can’t have the immigration debate because the eeeebil PC forces will crush their tender heads and steal their firstborns and there are things you Just Can’t Say because, because it’s not Politically Correct and something will happen to them and, and….

The awkward facts are not to said aloud by decent and goodthinkful people, such as Toynbees and similar Guardianistas

I’ve never got this argument because in my experience there’s really very little stopping you from being as much of a racist cunt as you like. You can’t howl “nigger” at a black person in the street, but the denizens of HP discuss every day the wickedness of the swarthy Muslims, how they should all be sent back where they came from, how one can’t even walk down some streets without seeing a whole bunch of brown people doing their brown people things and how it’s not polite to say it but the Poles are really a set of bastards and the Palestinians deserve everything they get. And nothing happens.

Shrugging on my Chekist leather jacket for a moment, there are times when I’m inclined to feel that something should.

Late props go to alex who sums up the Argument We’re All Too Scared To Make adroitly:

Who exactly are the people who need “consulting” on immigration?
Are we talking about all UK residents of all backgrounds or are we really talking about white “indigenous” people?

Well alex it’s not PC to say this but that is exactly what they are saying. Maybe the Palestinians could have a similar debate on the immigration problem there…;) israelinurse, care to comment?

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